Envíos 24 – 72h. En el carrito dispondrá de varias opciones de transporte para elegir así como comprobar el costo de envío.

Founded by Carlo Petrini in 1986, Slow Food became in 1989 an international association. Currently has more than 100,000 members and is present in 160 countries, with national offices in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the united States, Japan, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Slow Food is supposed to give due importance to the pleasure connected to food, learning to enjoy the diversity of recipes and flavours, recognize the variety of places of production and to identify the fireworks, to respect the rhythm of the seasons and of the invitation.
The recipe developed by Carlo Petrini and his collaborators proposed to combine the pleasure and the claim of the right to the enjoyment of all, with a new sense of responsibility: an attitude that Slow Food has called eco-gastronomy, able to unite the respect and the study of culture, excellent food and wine with the support of few in the world, dealing with to defend the biodiversity of agro-food.
Slow Food promotes:
• The taste education as the best argument against the poor quality of the food and the food frauds.
• the actions for the safeguard of the local cuisine, of the traditional productions, of plant and animal species in danger of extinction
• A new model of agriculture, less intensive and cleaner, which is based on the knowledge and the know-how of the local communities, for being a role model able to offer perspectives of development even in the poorest regions of the planet.
• The protection of food, raw materials, techniques of cultivation and transformation, inherited from local use consolidated in the time.
• The defense of the biodiversity of the cultivated species and wild.
• The protection of local gastronomic and coexistence for its historical value, artistic or social, are part of the heritage of material culture.
The focus of Slow Food is to treat these themes is peculiar. The philosophy of the movement, rooted in the defence of the gastronomic pleasure and in search of vital rhythms which are slower and thoughtful, part of considerations about the value of the power to reflect on the quality of life and reach the recognition of the identities, with the aim of reassessing the history of each social group in a network of reciprocal exchanges.
When you consider the value of a food, whether it’s a variety of fruit or a dish, can not do without the relationship of the latter with the history, material culture and the environment in which it originated. That’s why Slow Food defends the need to maintain agricultural production and zootechnical a balance of respect and exchange with the surrounding ecosystem.
This is the reason that Slow Food has been defined as a movement of eco-gastronomes.
The network Slow Food, which consists of more than 100 000 associates, is subdivided into local chapters called Convivia in the world, coordinated by a Convivium Leader that deals with organize courses, tastings, dinners, trips, promote at local level the campaigns launched by the association and to participate in major events organized by Slow Food at the international level.
Are active in more than 1,500 Slow Food Convivia in 160 Countries.